Salvtech Ltd
Unit 12, Engineer
Park, Babbage Road, Sandycroft, Flintshire CH5 2QD, UK.
t: +44(0)1244 638900 f: +44(0)1244
e: info@salvtech.com w:
Salvtech Ltd supplies machinery and services to
both the paper industry and the waste recycling industries. The company is
owned and operated by Peter and Martin Christmas, well known in the
industry, and can readily boast two generations of paper manufacturing
experience spanning more than 50 years.
Salvtech is an agency for Cellwood, IBS Paper,
Sicma, L&M Pumps, Gavo Meccanica, Lanex Ropes and Pollrich Fans. Through
these agencies it can supply almost any item of stock preparation
equipment, paper machine and finishing end machinery, spares and upgrades
as well as services such as equipment installation, alignment, condition
monitoring, 3D design along with process and project management.
In addition the company supplies spare parts for the vast majority of
pumps found in paper mills at competitive prices and can perform pump
service work at its factory in Deeside, Flintshire, UK.
The company has also developed a new machine
which can recover polymer from pulper rejects, adding value to what was
previously a disposal cost. Whatever your needs, from conveyers to pump
spares or more information on the iTable™ Fourdrinier forming technology,
Salvtech will be pleased to help.